About Edilio Ciclostile

I was born during a boring conf call as a simple drawing. After that I asked for a real name which is Edilio Ciclostile.

The meaning of Edilio is somehow related to the verb “to build” (Edil) and the personal pronoun I (io). I like to interpretate my name like  “building myself”.

Ciclostile, my surname, means Cicling Life Style, further ciclostile is a printing system mechanic now outdated, formerly used to produce low-quality prints in small editions at very low cost when compared with those of industrial printing. A blog ante litteram, maybe?

During the time I grown up watching people and bulidning a point of view about individual nature and the connections to the world around.

First thing first, I think that there is an inescapable limitation which will identify the path in life we follow over a period of time; wich is the result of the choices we “have” to make.

Because of that I am promoting the idea that each individual is inhabited by different entities of thoughts, feelings, desires and talents and each of them play a significant role, often conflicting or more often not fully recognized. There is not a real master of the “house” but many tenants who must learn to live together.

I give to these tenants a chance to express themselves freely when the rules that govern their existence do not help, if not prevent, them to be expressed.

I love words, images and music that’s why I choose to communicate through them to express the world we (me and all my tenants) see.

Edilio Ciclostile

602 pensieri su “About Edilio Ciclostile

  1. Thank you for following my blog! Yay!

    This blog is so cool that it allows me to click buttons in Portuguese/Spanish or so… Nice! 🙂

  2. I hope you are planning on being published. Did you do the drawing ? Looks like I feel half the time…. the other half is unseeable. (I made up a word) I like it.
    Look forward to glimpsing a little more of you.

  3. Pingback: Unleashed — Edilio Ciclostile Makes My Day! « Becoming is Superior to Being

  4. Thank you for subscribing to my post! Because there are so many tenants in the house, I feel that is why the friends we make are so different and varied. They are friends with similarities to the different aspects of our personalities!

  5. Thank you for subscribing to my blog! I thought I’d come by a return the favor, you seem like an interesting character. I’m looking forward to your future posts.

    • hi Edilio! tks for your “like” on my blog! Interesting and challenging video presentation! an eye(yours) dancing with many other eyes( your and our tenants!) I love the idea of a multiple self in seacrh of a unifying identity including all the selves. Challenging the mix of languages,almost occasional, without any particluar reference to the individual languages used in the blog.
      really cute!

  6. dear suzydubot mine is worse – 那後了?-but it’s so cool to receive some visions from a professional point of view – for me the courtesy is an elementary process to create relations – it’s why, sorry if i make a mistake, it would be better here also to act correctly. Maybe to write a personal e-mail 為什麼不? You will understand that I disagree with your process but I understand – you are a purist. ^.-

  7. Fascinating! You have something really interesting brewing here….

    RE: ‘There is not a real master of the “house” but many tenants who must learn to live together.’

    I call this the inmates running the asylum, lol. My tenants don’t always cooperate : )

      • Thank you for liking my post Edilio! Since I am a writer my inmates also have an avenue for escape, and they do, sometimes enmasse. 🙂 When all are trapped in the asylum, I am the one who goes crazy.

        Ho veramente godere la vostra aberrazione delizioso. (I hope Google Translator did justice to my thought. Heh.) I really enjoy your delightful aberration.

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post. I think you have quite an interesting way of looking at life and I’m looking forward to keeping up with what you have to share via your words and drawings:)

  9. what an interisting blog. I always eciting about drawing. Sometime i ask my self why peoples can draw so uniq, nice, abstrac and meaningful. Eventhougt, i can’t draw…i always eciting abot draw..

  10. Edilio, the blending of words and pictures, nothing more interesting and powerful as a medium for communication. Great blog. Thanks for the follow on Modernloom.

  11. Thanks for following my porfolio blog, Edilio! I also like to “build myself” and be aware of what materials I use. I believe that we are responsable for the way we grow and that the places where we arrive at certain points of our lives are a mixture of our own chosen path and of the plan of God (which we can know only if we let go of our own desires and embrace LOVE). I also believe that Love should be our only motivator and our motor for self growth! What do you think?

  12. Hello. Following…. but to where? I will follow you, as you follow me. Somehow we may intersect amidst our separate ramblings. What size shoes do you wear.. (it will help with the followings, maybe..)

  13. You’ve got a very creative thing going here, I look forward to following along! Thanks for you’re interest in Project Create – stay tuned for more details about how you can bring creativity into everyone’s life.


  14. Hi Edilio,

    You said: “The idea that each individual is inhabited by different entities of thoughts, feelings, desires and talents and each of them play a significant role, often conflicting or more often not fully recognized. There is not a real master of the “house” but many tenants who must learn to live together.”

    I was thinking about a similar idea yesterday. I have come to the conclusion that it isn’t just me inside this body, but that there are also remnants of all the previous generations that lead up to my existence.

  15. Niente di personale, scusami, ma non vedo un rapporto “funzionale” tra i due blog, come per gli altri che hanno sottoscritto. Puoi leggere e commentare quello che ti interessa, ovviamente, mi farà piacere.

  16. helo sir Ed, thanks for following my blog. I’m following yours now too. very nice blog. I’ll be looking forward to your future stories. Good luck.

  17. Thanks for following! I’m still scratching my head a bit at the unique flavor of your blog, but that’s a good thing! I’ll keep following to see how it develops 🙂

  18. Hi there! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog and for following 🙂 You have gained a new fan as well and I’m looking forward to reading more. 🙂

  19. Well hello Edilio, I am honoured that a smart handsome little chappie, with such great taste in music has taken an interest in my blog. Anyone born during a boring confrence call is okay in my book! I shall enjoy having a look around your blog! Remember be well and happy! xx

  20. Thanks for following my blog. I certainly relate to your words in your About Me section. I look forward to ready more of what you have to say.

  21. Hi there Edilio! You’ve got a pretty interesting blog. Great ideas, a few words, some drawings and a little music! Kudos! Pleased to get acquainted to you!
    (And i don’t know what this “Invia il commento” means actually, but i am clicking on it taking it to mean to publish the comment! 😀 )

  22. merci Edilio pour votre intérêt.
    Je partage votre idée que chaque personne est composée de différentes facettes qui ne demandent qu’à s’exprimer.
    Merci pour votre écoute
    à bientôt

  23. hello, edilio,

    thanks for following my blogs, both the english and the tagalog. didn’t think you were real, at first, haha.^^ btw, where did you find me and do you understand a bit of tagalog? i still remember a few italian words, hehe… ^^

    your site is full of creative energies. i like your beliefs and the way you express them. your tenants are naughty…

    i’ll expect more of your mischiefs, ahaha. have a great weekend ahead! 🙂

  24. HI Edilio, thanks for following the Rendev’uke in Paris !
    Ukulele passion is one of those hidden details of mister anybody that, once discovered, gives you another picture of this somebody 🙂
    Congratulations for Ur work ! Do come and meet us on wednesday evenings if you come in Paris, we always have extra ukes and do appreciate beginners 🙂

  25. Ciao Edilio,
    Thanks for following me at Postcards from Italy (and am happy to return the favor!!!! Come back any time!!!!)
    THis is a cool blog and I love your name. Edil + io. Da quale parte d’Italia sei?

  26. Hi

    Thanks for the “like”. I like your drawing. It reminds me of a rabbit I once knew but that doesn’t change my appreciation of your artistic ability. For something conceived during a conference call, it rocks!


  27. I only speak Spanish and Portuguese (close enough to make horrible errors) otherwise I would salute you in Italian. Very interesting blog. My beloved Alfa GTV6 And Ducati came from Milano and I am favorably impressed by things Italian.
    Thank you for liking my tribute to Barney Rossett. I had almost forgotten about him but he contributed greatly to my youthful awakening.

  28. Wow—what a marvelously creative project!

    I just popped in to thank you for “liking” my post, “Little Old Men.” It never fails to delight me when this happens, and now I am double honored. Thank you!

  29. HOW APPROPRIATE! We are also BUILDING our self as a company, a friend and a place where people can help us change and grow with their input. Thanks for following us!

  30. Wow, you’re place is crazy!
    To be honest I don’t follow some of your posts due to language,understanding, etc.

    But who cares, some of them are really fun.

    For a doodle born during a conf call, you seem cool 🙂

  31. Thanks for visiting my blog! I like the way you are ‘modelling’ existence (above). Yes, life is a question of one aspect jostling another. I like the FACT that you are modelling, more important than the model, which must change anyway as all models break in the end.


  32. Pingback: Kreative Blog Nomination for Little Ole Me….. «

  33. I just nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger award!! …


    Click above for the “rules” to play along if you want to share some link love and carry on the contest……
    Play if you want to!
    Peace and Light
    Windy Kai

  34. Thank you for the blob post like on my Jackpot Novel. You were “hatched” during a boring conference call??!! Weren’t we all? 😉

  35. “We each tend to think that we are just one person – a single, continuous, and consistent self. But the truth is that we are each a group of personalities and we slip and slide from one to the other as we encounter different situations.

    Once each personality recognises the others, they can start to recognise each others’ strengths and weaknesses and between them decide which one should be in control at any time.

    Multiplicity explains how personalities are made and kept separate in the human brain, how to discover it in yourself and how to recognise, identify and take control of your various personalities.


  36. Cheers for liking my post on Serendipity Farm. When we started our journey into country living we never expected it to take us where it has. We were 2 urbanites living in the city and had discovered horticulture in a big way. We went from thinking that plants and trees were “green and pretty” to filling ourselves with everything to do with them and when my dad died and left us 4 acres out in the sticks (country) our life totally changed. We got pulled into a different world and life will never be the same.

    Love your view on life and Edilio Ciclosti I wonder if he has ever met Vasco Pyjama who uses a muse named Michael Leunig to reveal himself to the rest of us? Check him out…they might become friends…it is always nice to have friends on your life journey :o)


  37. Hi, thanks so much for appreciating our art and following us. We imform you that finally now is available english version of the novel Coeva (kindle edition) on Amazon. If you wish you can directlty download it at site:

    Dip yourself in a brand new world
    We love you

    Best regards
    The Coevas

  38. Thank you for checking out my blog and liking “The Quiet Life”. i agree with you that everyone has unique talents (although they may not be appreciated/understood by everyone) and has a significant role. Great blog!

  39. Edilio,
    I enjoyed your ‘stenciled ramblings’, they are clever and make more sense than … well, I leave you to make that out!

    Keep it up and… always happy to see your mark/eye/stenciled print on my space!

    mariana/il neige

  40. Pingback: Ooops, I’ve been tagged! Lists don’t come easy… :) « 35andupcynicismonhold

  41. Pleased to meet you Edilio Ciclostile (or Should I say Beautiful Liar ?). Your clip is really good : great illustration + cool music = pure happiness ! Thank you for liking my “Mark Rothko” post.

  42. hello friend,

    Thank you for liking my posts..

    What a terrific gift you have here.

    .I have another blog http://igotastorylikethat.wordpress.com/

    Artists choose and send me one of their artworks and I write a poem or a short story about that piece(avg 300 to 400 words).
    Please visit the site and see or yourself. I would love to write for you. If not no worries.


  43. Fantastico! Stavo dando un’occhiata al blog della biblioteca del college dove lavoro (Royal Agricultural College, England) e uno dei posts aveva un “like” da parte tua… ed eccomi qui!
    Che mondo microscopico… 😉

  44. Thanks for leaving a LIKE – and am glad as I cam across yours! Cartooning was a big time hobby once upon a time but now Photography, Travel and Food has taken over. Hope to see you around.)

  45. Edilio, I am so excited that u went to look at my blog. U r my first viewer…the blog is a work in progress. Came in two weeks time when I will be posting the results of my first stage in my Experimental writing project which I am doing in part Ceramics.

  46. Thank you fr following my blog. I was inspired to write more. You can check my latest blog. I mentioned you there. 🙂 Your drawings are cute, I don’t know how to say it in Spanish… but, “IT”S GREAT!!!”

  47. The internet is a small place – I definitely have visited your blog before. I have no idea when or where from!

    Love the illustrations – anything that makes you think 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by!

  48. Wow, thanks for stopping by my blog, it’s greatly appreciated. You seem like just the kind of guy I’d travel with, light, small, compact doesn’t talk much etc.

    Thanks again for stopping by.


  49. I like your attitude, and it comes through strongly — we are more than one element or another, one aspect of our personality, one feature on our face. And, therefore, we take more than a minute to know.

    Thank you for your recent visit to the Norwegian Artist, and for Liking Shore Leave.

  50. Grazie mille! I appreciate your visit and am glad you liked my Saturday at the Cape – Photographs as Watercolors post. I envy someone who can doodle into being a whole new persona and think you are a very creative soul. I look forward to following you and your tenants, I think you have much to say. Always enjoy a new perspective!

  51. You had me on first phrase, “I was born during a conference call,” thankyou for liking my post; i look forward to the rib moving silent laughter I will feel while reading your post in the mornings while I am still thatch-headed!

  52. I agree with you about many tenants in one body. When I was newly wed my bride came to bed wearing almost nothing. I was talking to my inner selves and almost asleep. I saw her and yelled, “Everybody wake up!” She panicked and ran smack into the door. My friends thought I had hit her, giving her a black eye.

  53. I tell you – give these tenants a chance to express themselves and they’ll make your life hell – ” Give me this”, “Do that”, “Don’t listen to him”, “Have you seen her room?” “Why is it always me?”
    There are no servants in the house where everyone is a master/mistress

  54. I’m so glad I finally had/made the time to check your blog out. You rock. I’m followin’. And thanks for following me!

  55. I like your idea about individuals being composed of many tenants, reminds me of Douglas Hofstadter’s book, “I am a Strange Loop”; and I like the “birth story” of Edilio – welcome to the world Edilio.

  56. Hello Edilio. This is good. I perfectly understand your idea of different tenants living in a house. this makes total sense. I sometimes think of them as renditions of self. which one will take center stage today, or this minute?

  57. Hi Edilio…….thanks for liking my post “Random Photos…….Random Wisdom……..Random Thoughts”…….I am honored. Your blog is interesting and unique……..all the best!……..Kim

  58. Thanks for popping by my Blog. I’ve no idea how you stumbled on me but I’m glad you did. I love your drawing born during a boring conference. I believe I may have drawn a few of his relatives when I was faced with a simlar situation

  59. You are so talented and creative. I am a follower now. I will add you to my blogroll so that other people can enjoy your blog. Thank you for liking my post cheers Judy

  60. i like it. i know i am inhabited by a whole market scene of odd characters. i sometimes know them and write from their point of view. gets me in all kinds of trouble.

  61. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my posting. I really like the fact that you took the time, Also I like the way you think true we have many personailites, but you just have to remember to keep them grounded and keep them focus and the way I acheive that is by staying focus on god daily.

  62. Love it – your words on you. Those little tenants in my own head do the writing for me. Great way to keep them happy. Thanks for the ‘Like’. They thank you too. I think. At least they said they did. I think.

  63. Edilio,

    Thank you for “liking” the “I don’t know much about art…” post on our The Two Bruces blog. We hope you come back often. We are enjoying yours as well.

    Bruce and Bruce

  64. Me gusta mucho su blog. Gracias para seguir el mio.
    I like your blog a lot. Thank you for following mine.
    I believe you are Italian from what I read; I know French
    and Spanish besides English. Thank you!!!!

  65. By every appearance you have a lot of “tenants” inside the house and outside of it. It took me (let me see) a full twenty minutes to get to your comment section?( Not quite, almost). Nice to have friends and admirers. You will never be alone.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my “stuff”.

  66. VERY interesting concept, & I believe you are right! We are all many different “tenants” in one brain & body; to be able to recognize, accomodate, & express all of them would be ideal.

  67. Thanks for subscribing to my blog. You are recognizing the need for all to live together. I am also working on letting all parts of me become transparent. Then, when they stand together, maybe everyone will be able to see the whole of me.

  68. Thanks for finding the new story and liking.
    I do like the way you use English. It’s often not exactly correct, but the sideways use makes me think again about my mother tongue and how odd it can be. You express your tenants’ lives very poetically, and I hope they like the way they live on the blog page…

  69. Ciao, Edilio–thanks for liking my crazy post! Your description of the different tenants reminds me of chakras–interesting! I love all things Italian so I look forward to more from you,

  70. “Because of that I am promoting the idea that each individual is inhabited by different entities of thoughts, feelings, desires and talents and each of them play a significant role, often conflicting or more often not fully recognized. There is not a real master of the “house” but many tenants who must learn to live together.

    I give to these tenants a chance to express themselves freely when the rules that govern their existence do not help, if not prevent, them to be expressed.”

    How you think about yourself pleases me. Very interesting; incidentally, I have similar, if not same, view of me. Sometimes they harmonize, sometimes not but stressing the former is beneficial.

  71. Dude, I appreciate you coming through to check me out, despite my crazy sporadic updates courtesy of Afghan deployment living. I don’t know how you find me so fast after I post, but man do I appreciate the views and the likes! Keep your creative projects moving Edilio, I wish you well in them.

  72. You had me at the description of your name alone. =) Thanks for reading and liking my post “Real Talk.” It is clear from reading this page that you are already on that wavelength. I will be back to see what you’re up to…

  73. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger Award …! « Humorous Dispassionate

  74. thats funny…coming to life during a conferance…….i have similar experiances ….all too often….thax for coming by jwest hardin novels….jwest hardin road trip & bangkok living & travel.

  75. The beautiful liar /
    Puts his life on fire /
    Looks to the choir /
    Who knows what it is to require /
    To sing one’s desire /
    So to know one’s empire /

    Of the beautiful soul
    Of the marvellous whole

  76. Ciao, ho cercato lasciare i commenti molti volte ma il tua pagine e sempre “occupato” e dice che non e possibile vederla. Ma finalmento sono riuscito! Grazie per i tuoi commenti sulla mia blog e spero che continui visitarla. Your site is quite interesting just hard to get on to. You are obviously very popular. Patricia

  77. Very intriguing and interesting presentation … Love the way you describe the inner conflict every one has to face when it comes to the different identities of ” I’. However, I would say that I believe that there is still one master in the house, but as the tenants come in and out, the master has to adapt to keep up with all those changes : he will still the remain THE master, but whether he’s the same as before or not, it’s another debate 🙂

  78. Very intriguing and interesting presentation … Love the way you describe the inner conflict every one has to face when it comes to the different identities of ” I’. However, I would say that I believe that there is still one master in the house, but as the tenants come in and out, the master has to adapt to keep up with all those changes : he will still the remain THE master, but whether he’s the same as before or not, it’s another debat

  79. Intiriguing blog/introduction, love the idea of multiple tenants – gotta be a Science Fiction thing in there somewhere methinks.
    Thanks for spending some time with “beeseeker”, drop in agin soon perhaps?
    Meanwhile, hey, keep letting the tenants out!

  80. Hi,
    I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award because you are very inspiring.
    If you would like to participate, you are asked to:
     Display the award logo.
     Thank the person that nominated you and link back to them in your post.
     State 7 interesting things about yourself.
     Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
     Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
    S. Harry Zade, thenarrativeimperative.com

  81. Hi Edilio, great to meet you! You’re a brilliant and witty character. Thanks for taking the time to like my blog and for giving me the chance to get to know you. Good luck with everything!

  82. Thank you for stopping by my blog for a quick “Nap” and a “Like.” I wish I were fluent in either Spanish or Portuguese to craft a better comment. But I will be back.

  83. I like your idea of building yourself – And thank you for liking the blog post on Newbie Writers Guide. It is great that older books can get a new life as e-books isn’t it?

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